On the one hand, the subway in Paris is very convenient because it is extensive and you can avoid getting stuck in traffic. However, on the other hand, the frequency of pickpocketing presents a risk. When I was young, I encountered the fol…
パリの地下鉄は、縦横に張り巡らされているし、車の渋滞に巻き込まれることもないので便利な一方、スリが多いのが厄介だ。 若いころ、長期派遣先のアメリカからパリに出張した時、次のような事件に遭遇した。 パリの地下鉄に乗っていると、ある駅でバタバタ…
Machine translation was once something that produced humorously strange or inaccurate results. However, recently, it has made great bounds in accuracy and is much more widely used. The strong points of machine translation are speed and cos…
During a long-term assignment to France, I was afforded the opportunity to practice classical with the accompaniment of a co-worker and some local friends. Volunteers from the workplace were holding a sort of mini-recital, and it was there…
Before the pandemic, I used to meet with old friends from high school several times per year. But for about two years, we showed restraint and played it safe by not meeting. However, recently since Corona calmed down quite a bit, a few of …
Lourdes is a small town right by the border of France and Spain that happens to be the most popular Catholic pilgrimage site in the world. There, in 1858, a girl named Bernadette Soubirous was the sole witness to the apparition of a young …
As a part-time job, I teach at a cram school (although, recently, due to being very busy, I am taking a leave of absence). I taught physics, math, and English to high school students. One day, I received a request from the principal of the…
You can tell a person from their words means that by looking at how someone puts their sentences together, you can find out what kind of person they are. It seems like something Georges-Louis Leclerc would say. While I was living in France…
According to psychiatrist Hideki Wada, "Nobody should ever truly retire. If one does, they age quickly." Even after you hit retirement age, don't many people wish to stay a part of society and, if possible, work while they are still health…
There is a saying that goes “You 're never too old to learn.” After officially retiring at 65, I began to actually focus on translating. Until then, while I did spend a long time living overseas, and even had many opportunities to use Engl…
Some people say that more than 80% of the reason why Tokyo was able to host the Olympic Games is thanks to Christel Takigawa's famous speech. Unmistakably, it was an amazing speech. In her speech, she mentioned that "Japan is a safe countr…
Under road traffic laws, you must slow down and be able to stop if needed when approaching pedestrian or bicycle crossings, unless, of course, there is clearly nobody in sight. However, in 2021 the JAF (Japan Automobile Federation) present…
It is said that the shortest letter exchange in the world is the "?" and "!". Victor Hugo (1802-1885), a great writer, who was concerned about the sales of his newly published "Les Misérables," sent a letter to the publisher with “?” in th…
I have a bad habit of "sneezing loudly." Or, more accurately, I used to. When I am about to sneeze, I would take a big breath in, and that would make the sneeze sound ridiculously loud. When I was in high school, I used to be stared down b…
Even though it’s obvious, when you learn a language, you can make friends with the locals and enjoy life. My language training is still in its infancy, but even so, I have made many friends in the United States and France, where I have sta…
On March 11th, 2011, a giant earthquake hit the Tohoku region of Japan. At that time, I was on a long-term assignment in Southern France. Even in France, the earthquake, tsunami, and ensuing nuclear reactor incident were major headlines fo…
In Japanese, questions asked in the negative such as Aren`t you satisfied? are usually met with replies such as No, I`m satisfied, or Yes, I`m not satisfied. On the other hand, in English, as you know, Aren’t you satisfied? is met with eit…
「六十の手習い」といいます。広辞苑 第七版によりますと、「60歳になって初めて習字を始めること。晩学のたとえ。八十の手習い。」私は、65才で定年退職した後、本格的に翻訳をはじめました。それまで、外国生活が長かったですし、帰国してからも英語を使っ…
「文は人なり」とは、「文章を見れば書き手の人柄が知れる」(広辞苑)ということだ。フランスの博物学者ビュフォンの言葉らしい。 フランスに滞在している間、息子の通っていた国際学校で、ある祝賀会があり、近隣の郡や市の教育長や、自治体の長が数人招か…
精神科医の和田秀樹氏によると、「『引退』などしてはいけない。そうでないと、老化が一気に進む 」[1]。定年退職した後も、元気なうちは、社会と関わっていたい、できれば働きたい、と考えている人は多いのではないか。しかし、医者や弁護士などの特殊な業…